The Valentine Flats Trail is a steep trail into the gorge area ending at the confluence of the South Branch and Main Branch of Cattaraugus Creek. The Overlook Trail is a short trail with vistas of the valley, creek and cliffs. Zoar Valley's spectacular gorge offers breathtaking scenery See the Zoar Valley MUA/UA Frequently Asked Questions page for answers to some common questions about the property. *Note: It is important to check Cattaraugus Creek water levels (leaves DEC website) when planning a day of activities on the water at Zoar Valley. There is no authorized, safe trail to access Cattaraugus Creek on the Erie County side or from the Town of Otto, Cattaraugus County portion of the property. Safe gorge and creek access is only from the Valentine Flats Trail and Forty Road parking lot. The MUA contains hazards associated with rocks, steep slopes, cliffs and swift water. Zoar Valley MUA/UA is known for the spectacular scenery created by its deep gorge, sheer cliffs, flowing waterfalls, and dense forests.

The 2,978-acre Zoar Valley Multiple Use Area & Unique Area (MUA/UA) is one of the most scenic and ecologically diverse environmental areas in Western New York. Map: Zoar Valley Multiple Use and Unique Area Map (GeoPDF) - GeoPDF Instructions || Google Earth || DECinfo Locator.Location: Towns of Otto and Persia, Cattaraugus County and Town of Collins, Erie County.DEC Region 9 Allegany Office (M-F, 8:30 AM - 4:45 PM), 71 Search, rescue, wildfire, and enforcement matters: 911- or - 1-833-NYS-RANGERS (1-83)Ī local Forest Ranger is a valuable source of information for the state land you would like to visit.Open for recreation: Year-round, sunrise to sunset.